Gamola Golf

Conversions Increased by 136%

Gamola Golf is a growing online golf accessory outlet, who primarily deal in golf tees and golf grips. In 2013, Gamola Golf asked us to review their PPC campaign. The campaign was previously in the hands of another agency. Gamola asked us whether we could increase sales. We not only increased sales, we doubled them!

Understanding the way to success

After reviewing the campaign, we quickly realised noticed the campaign lacked relevancy. Search traffic being directed to irrelevant landing pages, increasing campaign costs. We also realised the number of campaign keywords was insufficient. The campaign lacked keyword reach.

Our approach

First things first, we ensured all traffic was being directed to the right landing pages. As we have experienced, this really helps with increase conversions. We also significantly built out the keyword reach. This included short tail keywords such as “Golf Grips” to long tail keywords such as “Golf Pride Junior Golf Grips”.

All about ongoing optimization

Once we had a built a solid foundation to the campaign, we began daily optimisation of adcopy and keyword bids. Combined with the right campaign structure, Gamola Golf experienced a significant lift in ROI.